Sunday, November 11, 2012

What is for India after Obama re-elected

The three word message "Four more years" from Barak Obama waked up the Americans and the World on Wednesday from the White House after Obama re-elected to the Head of White House again.Not wasting any moment congratulatory messages started flowing from Presidnet Pranab Mukherji, PM Manmohan Singh and othe ministers.

Now what next Obama has for India ?

We rememeber Obama took lot of time to look towards India during his first term. In 2008 he concentrated much on China and feeding Pakistan as he considered both these nations as the rooms of his security fort of South-Asia.But giving a feather touch he hosted Manmohan Singh as the first foreign leader at the White House after his coronation. He even did'nt forgot to gift India with the assurance of supporting India's sit in UN Security council (the long lasting demand of India).
From India’s perspective, the United States has not delivered on its promise to cajole greater cooperation out of Pakistan.From the US perspective, India has disappointed tremendously on a host of issues, ranging from New Delhi’s stance on nuclear civil liability, the awarding of the MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) contract to France’s Dassault, Iran, Libya and Syria.Another major issue which is a big concern for India is outsourcing. Truly Obama has attacked Romney for outsourcing American jobs to India and China.
But in his second term Obama considers India as a 'defining Partner' for the US in every arena. Even more predictable and faithfull than China. Even in the Afgan policy he appreciates the Indian role.He certainly thinks New Delhi and Washington will need to engage in a serious dialogue about the future of Afghanistan where they both seek to uproot terrorist structures, in order to pool their resources and reinforce each other’s policies and avoid working at cross-purposes.
While India does not mind the US being a little unsettled about China’s rise, it does not want to see a security alliance against China being put in place by the Americans. India wants to improve cordial relations with the US and its allies in Southeast Asia, but does not want any single power dominating the region. Similarly, India is having a close watch on the  rising tension between the US and Iran, since it is likely to have an adverse impact on the Gulf and West Asia, which will surely affect India because it is that region from where much of India’s energy needs are met and a region where over six million Indians live and work.
Therefore i think Therefore, despite a likely push by Obama in his second term for stronger and closer relations with India(both diplomatic and strategic), Indo-US relations may not move up to any dramatic level in the coming days.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Puri Jagannath Temple

The photograph of Puri Badadanda of 1829

The photograph of Puri Badadanda of the year 1870

The Puri Jagannath temple is considered as one among the Char dham's of Hindus.This temple has been constructed by King Chodoganga deva of Ganga dynasty in the 11th century.The temple premises covers almost 400,00 sq.ft area. The char dham's of Hindu's are Puri, Rameswaram,Badrinath and Dwarka. Jagannath temples kitchen is considered as the largest kitchen of hotel of the World.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Arvind Kejriwal's Fight Against Corruption. Is he the real Saviour ?

Recently if you are following the national news you are well aware that Mr. Arvind Kejriwal has began a revolution in India by revealing the true colours of our so called Netas. One after another it Robert Vadra (national jamairaja), Salman Khurshid  or Nitin Gadkari everybody.

I don't hesitate to say that this is the second independence movement of India after 65 years.

I believe that Arvind Kejriwal is right .But many believe that he is wrong....why not democracy after all. They say he is wrong and raking up much to carve political space for his yet-to-be-named party at the expense of established players. So much so that certain right wing activists have branded him a closet communist for having spared the Left from his onslaught across political divide. Arvind Kejriwal has strongly alleged that  there are 16 "corrupt" ministers in the Union Cabinet, key Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said the fight against such politicians would be revived soon by exposing them. Kejriwal also said that there is a need to strengthen the network of people to put up an aggressive fight over the Lokpal Bill.

Kejriwal has no faith in the agencies under government control. He’s also unwilling to approach courts with documentations he shares with the Media to shame the alleged culprits. His stock solution for all ills is the institution of the Jan Lokpal that isn’t going to happen any time soon till the UPA is in the seat.

I wonder will Kejriwal succeed in his mission ?

The evil called corruption stays healthy as ever amid the chaos. We have just seen how an honest IAS officer Mr. Ashok Khemka was sacrificed when he was trying to actually catch the bull by its horns by giving order to probe the Vadra-DLF deal. But the tragedy is nobody will back his case for he is another faceless man among us all who attempted to honestly fulfil his duty. He won't have a media backing nor an honest friend (except lawyer Anupam Gupta) as everyone, who was sympathising with him till this morning, will now turn on the channel that will give the closest view of yet another Kejriwal production.
We can teach the politicians not to regard themselves as 'first among equals' and to do so, it is very much necessary that we as citizens, take more interest in the field and involve ourselves to effect a change on the ground. If we start today, the good results can only be seen after two-three decades. IAC can be seen as a movement that set the ball rolling but now, it is only the citizens of the country who can take the movement forward.
The attack should remain focussed throughout and just by voting against politicians (it is a startling fact that in the world's largest democracy today people actually vote against more than vote for somebody) is not any response to the system's failure.

The last important question is Kejriwal has made an impressive beginning. Can he script a happy ending ?